Tickets will be available soon.

Buy a Ticket

Discount from Ptak Warsaw Expo

Rally ticket


Price per crew

The composition of 1 crew is max: 2 adults and 2 children

Buy a ticket

Ticket available online only

Ticket contents:

✓ entry to the rally site by camper or caravan

✓ access to electricity

✓ access to sanitary facilities, showers

✓ access to the Internet

✓ move freely around the rally grounds

✓ admission to the fairgrounds and attraction zone for all 3 days

Trwa do końca 14.02.2024

One-day ticket


Ticket available online only

Buy a one-day ticket

The ticket entitles you to:

✓ entry to the fair on Friday / Saturday / Sunday

✓ meeting with the special guests

✓ free parking

Two-days ticket


Ticket available online only

Buy a two-days ticket

The ticket entitles you to:

✓ entry to the fair on Saturday and Sunday

✓ meeting with the special guests

✓ free parking

Special Ticket


Ticket available online only

Buy a special ticket

The ticket entitles you to:

✓ entry to the fair on Friday / Saturday / Sunday

✓ meeting with the special guests

✓ free parking

Ticket only for those who come in an oldtimer car

* Children up to the age of 7 – free admission when accompanied by an adult.
* Children from 8. to 16 years of age – admission on a Junior ticket.
* Persons with disabilities – free admission with one guardian.

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€27.50').css('line-height','1'); $('.two-days-ticket').find('.cena p').html('two in price of one*
€45').css('line-height','1'); $('.przypisek').attr('style', 'display: block !important'); $(".countdown").hide(); $(".rabat-info").hide(); $('.promo-walentynki').attr('style', 'display: block !important'); if ($(window).width() < 569) { $('.mobile-text-date').attr('style', 'display: block !important'); } }); } else if (todayDate < new Date(newDate1)) { setOfferData(newDate1, newText1, "€27", "€32", "€10"); } else if (todayDate < new Date(newDate2)) { setOfferData(newDate2, newText2, "€27", "€32", "€10"); } else if (todayDate < new Date(newDate3)) { setOfferData(newDate3, newText3, "€27", "€32", "€10"); } else if (endDate < todayDate) { placeholderText.classList.remove("desktop-hidden", "tablet-hidden", "mobile-hidden"); offerSection.classList.add("desktop-hidden", "tablet-hidden", "mobile-hidden"); } if (todayDate > new Date(newDate)) { document.querySelector(".junior-regular-price").style.display = "none"; } script>